I'm trying to get syslog (using syslog-ng) from some NX-OS devices into Observium, but so far no luck.
I'm using the following syslog-ng configuration
template t_observium { template ("$HOST||$FACILITY||$PRIORITY||$LEVEL||$TAG||$YEAR-$MONTH-$DAY $HOUR:$MIN:$SEC||$MSG||$PROGRAM\n"); template-escape(yes); };
destination d_observium { program("/opt/observium/syslog.php" template (t_observium)); };
Works fine for IOS-devices
The output that would be sent to syslog.php i can see by adding:
destination d_foo { file("/tmp/foo.log" template(t_observium)); };
and the following output is in my file:||local7||info||info||be||2014-06-24 16:43:08||Jun 24 14:43:07: %SEC-6-IPACCESSLOGP: list flow denied udp ->, 5 packets ||147696||local7||notice||notice||bd||2014-06-24 16:43:16||2014 Jun 24 16:43:16.724 CEST: %SYSMGR-5-CFGWRITE_STARTED: Configuration copy started (PID 2143).||
any ideas? I've tried uncommenting the debug part of syslog.php, but i don't get any output in /tmp/syslog.out or /tmp/syslog.err
Oh, and by the way. Syslog from Fabric-OS devices works fine as well.
Netic A/S
Ole Hansen
Mail: oha@netic.dk Mobil: +45 23253747 Fastnet: +45 96356187