------ Original Message ------
Sent: 11/25/2014 10:05:04 AM
Subject: Re: [Observium] APC UPS Current is zero
Hi Ron,
Thanks for the somewhat longer reply than mine. ;-)
I have some devices with 9631 cards (which are 9630 with UIO
sockets as far as I know). We don't use upsAdvOutputLoad on
those, but upsHighPrecOutputLoad. (At least on my 1- and
3-phase devices) - can you check the value returned? And
perhaps which OID we are using on your install (quickly via
the graph -> rrd command -> check the filename used,
or alternatively via the 'sensors' table in the database).
Seems I should add those "data dump" pages for more entity
types... :)
Maybe some toggle in the bottom bar which enables hover stuff? So
you can then hover a sensor and it shows some info in a popup?