Hello Thomas.


Data in the eventlog and syslog tables are keep forever.


I sent a script some days ago here  :




You could try it to purge old data from those tables (Documentation is embedded in the source file, feels free to read it).


Best regards,



From: observium [mailto:observium-bounces@observium.org] On Behalf Of Thomas Grunert
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2014 7:56 AM
To: observium@observium.org
Subject: [Observium] DB grow to fast


Hi all,

my database is grow very fast.
Is there a cyclic clean up which deletes unnessesary entries from the db to prevent garbage?
How long are entries kept in the db?

Can anybody tell me the syntax to reduce the rate-time for trap and log entrys in the database?

many thanks

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