Don't mess with max-rep if you don't really understand what it does. The default for net-snmp is 20, so changing it to anything lower will /slow/ polling.
31 devices with 5000 ports is not a large amount at all, and probably only needs 4-8 threads. You would probably see the most improvement by moving RRD storage to a RAM disk. You could comfortably make a 48GB RAM disk on that system, which would improve polling and graph generation times a lot.
Sent from Mailbird [http://www.getmailbird.com/?utm_source=Mailbird&utm_medium=email&utm...] On 03/05/2016 06:34:18, Gagandeep Mann gagandeep.mann@mtsindia.in wrote: Hi We are currently running OBSERVIUM Professional Ed with 31 Cisco 7600/3560/2960 polling around 5000+ ports. The Traffic graphs are showing gaps as the poller seems to be taking a lot of time. We have tried different values for the poller wrapper threads (16, 32, 48, 64) on a 16 core/64GB RAM machine but not seen any improvement. We have also tried different values for the ‘ma-rep’ field for snmp bulkwalk (5, 10 etc) – had seen improvement initially after enabling with 5, but the polling times seem to have increased automatically after some time. We are currently running with 64 Poller threads and max-rep 10. Pls suggest if we are missing something. A few screen-shots are attached. Best regards
Gagandeep Mann
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