Trying to get the unix agent setup on a machine with bind to test it out. The scripts for Observium and bind are working on the local machine, but Observium isn't showing the modules. The module is enabled for the device but when trying to telnet from Observium, we're just getting "Connection closed by foreign host." Xinetd is running and listening on the port but isn't responding correctly. There are some typos on the agent installation page on the site (/usr/lib vs /usr/bin) and in the xinetd conf file, but we seem to have those straightened out. Anyone have any tricks up your sleeves for getting the agent to be happy with life? ufw/iptables is off for testing on Ubuntu 14.04 and we're running the subscription edition.
Robbie Wright Siuslaw Broadband https://siuslawbroadband.com 541-902-5101