Since we last rebuilt our Observium instance in late 2019, we've noticed that it's chewing up disk space at a prodigious rate, that we didn't see before.

We're seeing a steady ~300BG/month increase in storage needs.  Observium, of course, monitors itself, and the line on the storage graph is a nearly-perfect slope (after adjusting for disk size increases).

This came to my attention this morning (again), when we ran out of disk space (again) and I had to expand the volume (again) to continue operating.   (So much for our alerting... oops.)

We have added a few new devices, but not 1TB worth, and not consistently and constantly since late 2019.

Since RRD files are - in theory - fixed-size, why does /opt/obvservium/rrd keep growing without bound? And how can I predict future growth?  Will it ever stop?

Help?  Anyone?


Adam Thompson
Consultant, Infrastructure Services
100 - 135 Innovation Drive
Winnipeg, MB, R3T 6A8
(204) 977-6824 or 1-800-430-6404 (MB only)