Robert, thanks!

Module netstats was disabled (by default) for Geist PDUs.
Use latest Rolling update (r11063).

Robert Williams via observium wrote on 02.03.2021 13:59:



We have a large number of ‘Geist’ PDU devices, each of which takes around 20-30 seconds to complete the ‘netstats’ poller element (due to the nasty tiny-brain device, not Observium):


There is no data of value to us collected from this, so I’d like to just disable netstat collection for all current and future Geist devices. Is there a way to do this which doesn’t involve clicking on each one and disabling that module manually?



I’ve trawled the DB as best I can to try to see where I can do this, but unable to identify where module enable/disablement is done. Closest I found is within the devices table, there is device_state and the netstats element is encoded in there in a way I cannot grasp unfortunately.


Devices can be easily matched with:  select * from devices where vendor like "geist" – so I’m hoping I can make a change globally somehow?



Robert Williams
Custodian Data Centres

observium mailing list

Mike Stupalov
Observium Limited,