The documentation is correct.
/usr/bin/observium_agent is the agent itself
/usr/lib/observium_agent is a directory where agent-related files are kept.
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On 8 September 2015 23:05:31 Robbie Wright <> wrote:
Yeah, I thought about that too. Verified the IP in the config and it is correct and the bind server can reach Observium. It is already in via snmp. The server in that config file was listed at /usr/bin/observium_agent which we updated to /usr/lib/observium_agent as that's where the scripts were installed. That difference is a bit unclear in the documentation and it lists a bin/lib interchangeably in a few spots._______________________________________________On Tue, Sep 8, 2015 at 2:58 PM, Adam Armstrong <> wrote:Make sure you have the observium Ip correct in the xinetd file for the agent, that sounds like it might be the issue.
The agent is super simple, just a bash script, so there isn't anything really to go wrong.
Sent with AquaMail for Android
http://www.aqua-mail.comOn 8 September 2015 22:46:10 Robbie Wright <> wrote:
_______________________________________________Trying to get the unix agent setup on a machine with bind to test it out. The scripts for Observium and bind are working on the local machine, but Observium isn't showing the modules. The module is enabled for the device but when trying to telnet from Observium, we're just getting "Connection closed by foreign host." Xinetd is running and listening on the port but isn't responding correctly. There are some typos on the agent installation page on the site (/usr/lib vs /usr/bin) and in the xinetd conf file, but we seem to have those straightened out. Anyone have any tricks up your sleeves for getting the agent to be happy with life? ufw/iptables is off for testing on Ubuntu 14.04 and we're running the subscription edition.
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