Hi Joe,

 please attach discovery debug for that device:

./discovery.php -d -m sensors -h <device>

Joe Brouillette via observium wrote on 10.01.2020 22:34:

Good morning,


I was just trying to check the history on one of my Geist Watchdog environment sensors and I have no environment graphs – temperature, humidity, or dew point. It’s the same for all of my Geist devices. I checked the logs and found these entries:


2019-12-05 12:34:10 OS-ServerRoom Dew Point     Sensor deleted: dewpoint geist-v4-mib internalDewPoint.1 OS-ServerRoom Dew Point

2019-12-05 12:34:10 OS-ServerRoom Humidity Sensor deleted: humidity geist-v4-mib internalHumidity.1 OS-ServerRoom Humidity

2019-12-05 12:34:10 OS-ServerRoom Temperature   Sensor deleted: temperature geist-v4-mib internalTemp.1 OS-ServerRoom Temperature


I have Device Availability and Device Uptime graphs but that’s it. I ran a discovery on them but after an hour still no enviromental data. I checked a couple of the devices and the information is there. Any ideas on what’s going on and how to fix it?




Joe Brouillette


“Any sufficiently advanced science looks like magic.” – Arthur C. Clarke

“All magic comes with a price.” – Rumplestiltskin


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