That doesn't make sense at all. You put the xinetd config where the agent script should be.

On 02/28/2014 02:48 PM, Andrei Stana wrote:
Hello ,
my /usr/bin/observium_agent output is :
root@host:~# cat /usr/bin/observium_agent
service observium_agent
        type           = UNLISTED
        port           = 36602
        socket_type    = stream
        protocol       = tcp
        wait           = no
        user           = root
        server         = /usr/bin/observium_agent
        # configure the IP address(es) of your Observium server here:
        only_from      =
        # Don't be too verbose. Don't log every check. This might be
        # commented out for debugging. If this option is commented out
        # the default options will be used for this service.
        log_on_success =
        disable        = no
i make chmod +x /usr/bin/observium_agent 
i make /usr/lib/observium_agent/local/ and place there the scripts that i am interested  of .
is the output of my  /usr/bin/observium_agent  ok  ?
what i am missing ?
Andrei Stana  
Rcs & Rds Pitesti
Office : 0348-400425
Vodafone : 0720-956507
Digi.Mobil : 0770 048196
Digi.Oriunde: 0770048196
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------ Original Message ------
From: "Tom Laermans" <>
To: "Andrei Stana" <>; "Observium Network Observation System" <>
Sent: 2/28/2014 12:21:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Observium] localhost:36602 failed
Yes. Your unix agent is not working - please follow the instructions (and the testing instructions as well).

On 02/28/2014 11:04 AM, Andrei Stana wrote:
Hello ,
I have a problem with the connexion on the localhost via port 36602 .
What i am trying to do is to generate graphs for postfix , mysql and apache.
I follow the instructions from regarding the unix-agent.
I still receiving the following ERROR in poller.php
root@host:/opt/observium# tail -f /opt/observium/observium.log
Connection to UNIX agent on tcp://localhost:36602 failed. ERROR: 111 Connection refused
Connection to UNIX agent on tcp://localhost:6556 failed. ERROR: 111 Connection refused
Any suggestion !?
Andrei Stana
Rcs & Rds Pitesti
Office : 0348-400425
Vodafone : 0720-956507
Digi.Mobil : 0770 048196
Digi.Oriunde: 0770048196
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