Hello Mike,

What is your take on this ?

Best regards.

Le 23 nov. 2017 à 10:57, Mike Stupalov <mike@observium.org> a écrit :


Youssef BENGELLOUN - ZAHR wrote:

Hello Adam,

It appears I got mixed up copying the wrong email output. That is what
happens when you do it while you are mobile and in between things. My bad.

So let’s take a step back here :

_1/ regarding CPU temps :_

You are right about those two objects
(. /
., they are being queried
correctly and match with Chassis Temp1 - Front :


What is missing here are the following highlighted entries in Yellow :

root@fw01-par01> show chassis environment    



Class Item                           Status     Measurement

Power FPC 0 Power Supply 0           OK        

            FPC 0 Power Supply 1           OK        

Temp  System Temp1 - Front           OK         30 degrees C / 86
degrees F

            System Temp2 - Back            OK         40 degrees C /
104 degrees F

            CPU0 Temp                      OK         70 degrees C /
158 degrees F

            CPU1 Temp                      OK         61 degrees C /
141 degrees F

Fans  FPC 0 Fan Tray 0               OK         Spinning at normal speed

         FPC 0 Fan Tray 1               OK         Spinning at normal

         FPC 0 Fan Tray 2               OK         Spinning at normal

         FPC 0 Fan Tray 3               OK         Spinning at normal

I believe the rest of those entries can be found in the same MIB. If I
poll the whole MIB, I do get results (see attached file). Is that
something you can add on your end ?

Ok, I not see "CPUX Temp" entries inside jnxOperatingTemp Oid, here only:

jnxOperatingDescr. = node0 Routing Engine
jnxOperatingDescr. = node1 Routing Engine
jnxOperatingTemp. = 29
jnxOperatingTemp. = 21

which I not sure correctly corresponded with system temp X, since here
different values against from device CLI.

Another temp sensors which I see:

jnxFruName. = node0 Routing Engine
jnxFruName. = node1 Routing Engine
jnxFruTemp. = 30
jnxFruTemp. = 21
jnxFruType. = routingEngine
jnxFruType. = routingEngine

but this is exactly same as in jnxOperatingTemp.

Pls send me another full walk from device, I will try to find if here
exist another Oids with Temp.
2 commands:

snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c <community> -On <host> .
snmpbulkwalk -v2c -c <community> -On <host> .

_2/ regarding FAN status / spinning speed :_

I was able to confirm with JTAC the correct MIB, it can be found here :


I tried with jnxSRX4200SlotFan or, I
don’t get any answers from the device :

root@prod-monit-002:~# snmpwalk -v 2c -c asp fw01-par01

SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.2636. = No Such Object available
on this agent at this OID


root@fw01-par01> show snmp mib walk ascii jnxSRX4200SlotFan

root@fw01-par01> show snmp mib walk ascii

I’m having JTAC check the status of the MIB implantation. I’ll keep
you updated.

Best regards.

*Youssef BENGELLOUN - ZAHR* - Consultant Expert
Prodware France
T : +33 979 999 000 - F : +33 988 814 001 - ybzahr@prodware.fr
   Web : prodware.fr <http://www.prodware.fr>
<http://twitter.com/Prodware/>  <http://www.facebook.com/Prodware/>

*De : *observium <observium-bounces@observium.org> au nom de Adam
Armstrong <adama@observium.org>
*Répondre à : *Observium <observium@observium.org>
*Date : *mercredi 22 novembre 2017 à 22:47
*À : *"observium@observium.org" <observium@observium.org>
*Objet : *Re: [Observium] SRX4200 FAN status missing

Both of those sensors are polled:

CMD[/usr/bin/snmpget -v2c -c *** -Pu -OQUsn -M /opt/observium/mibs
'udp':'fw01-par01':'161' .


CMD RUNTIME[0.0178s]


. = 29

. = 21






Last Changed

node0 Routing Engine temperaturejunos


ok2017-02-02 11:40:44

node1 Routing Engine temperaturejunos


ok2017-10-01 07:00:02


Adam Armstrong

Managing Director & Lead Architect

Observium Limited




   On 2017-11-22 21:43:53, Youssef BENGELLOUN - ZAHR
   <ybzahr@prodware.fr> wrote:

   I’m not seeing them in the device page.

   Moreover, no mention at all in the poller output in debug output I
   provided with my initial email.

   What kind of trace do you want me to run ?

   Best regards.

   Le 22 nov. 2017 à 22:22, Adam Armstrong <adama@observium.org
   <mailto:adama@observium.org>> a écrit :

       The process of collecting temperature sensors from this table
       certainly works for me.

       The only requirement in the code seems to be that the value
       returned isn't zero.

       Are you /sure/ these sensors aren't being discovered?


       Adam Armstrong

       CEO & Lead Architect

       Observium Limited

           On 2017-11-22 21:14:23, Youssef BENGELLOUN - ZAHR
           <ybzahr@prodware.fr <mailto:ybzahr@prodware.fr>> wrote:

           CPUs temps (2x units) from race node :

           root@fw01-par01> show chassis environment               



           Class Item                           Status     Measurement

           Power FPC 0 Power Supply 0           OK        

                 FPC 0 Power Supply 1           OK        

           Temp  System Temp1 - Front           OK         29 degrees
           C / 84 degrees F

                 System Temp2 - Back            OK         39 degrees
           C / 102 degrees F

                 CPU0 Temp                      OK         70 degrees
           C / 158 degrees F

                 CPU1 Temp                      OK         61 degrees
           C / 141 degrees F

           Best regards.

           Le 22 nov. 2017 à 21:53, Adam Armstrong
           <adama@observium.org <mailto:adama@observium.org>> a écrit :

               What is the inventory entry referred to by the
               indexes and

               We should definitely already see temperatures from here.

               BTW, i honestly tend to ignore walks without MIBs
               loaded. I can easily work out what a numerical OID is
               from the text, but it's not so useful the other way.


               Adam Armstrong

               CEO & Lead Architect

               Observium Limited

                   On 2017-11-22 19:29:22, Youssef BENGELLOUN - ZAHR
                   <ybzahr@prodware.fr <mailto:ybzahr@prodware.fr>>


                   From Observium box, there you go :

                   root@prod-monit-002:~# snmpwalk -v 2c -c asp
                   SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.2636.4.1.2 = No Such
                   Object available on this agent at this OID

                   ⇒No answer regarding FANs.

                   root@prod-monit-002:~# snmpwalk -v 2c -c asp
                   SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.2636. =
                   Gauge32: 0
                   SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.2636. =
                   Gauge32: 0
                   SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.2636. =
                   Gauge32: 0
                   SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.2636. =
                   Gauge32: 0
                   SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.2636. =
                   Gauge32: 0
                   SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.2636. =
                   Gauge32: 0
                   SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.2636. =
                   Gauge32: 0
                   SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.2636. =
                   Gauge32: 0
                   SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.2636. =
                   Gauge32: 0
                   SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.2636. =
                   Gauge32: 0
                   SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.2636. =
                   Gauge32: 29
                   SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.2636. =
                   Gauge32: 0
                   SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.2636. =
                   Gauge32: 23
                   SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.2636. =
                   Gauge32: 0

                   ⇒Answers are returned regarding CPU temps.

                   Best regards.

                   Le 22/11/2017 20:23, « observium au nom de Michael
                   » a écrit :


                   By now you should know that there can be a world
                   of difference between what the cli of a device can
                   tell you and what it actually presents out the
                   snmp stack.

                   Try running the queries to the oids from a remote
                   host (such as from your observium box).

                   If it doesn't respond to the queries, there's not
                   much that can be done.


                   On 23 November 2017 6:02:39 AM AEDT, Youssef
                   BENGELLOUN - ZAHR wrote:

                   BENGELLOUN - ZAHR Youssef - Consultant Expert
                   Prodware France
                   T : +33 979 999 000 F : +33 988 814 001 -
                   ybzahr@prodware.fr <mailto:ybzahr@prodware.fr>
                   Web : prodware.fr <http://prodware.fr>

           *Youssef BENGELLOUN - ZAHR* - Consultant Expert
           Prodware France
           T : +33 979 999 000 - F : +33 988 814 001 -
           ybzahr@prodware.fr <mailto:ybzahr@prodware.fr>



           Web : prodware.fr <http://www.prodware.fr>


   *Youssef BENGELLOUN - ZAHR* - Consultant Expert
   Prodware France
   T : +33 979 999 000 - F : +33 988 814 001 - ybzahr@prodware.fr



   Web : prodware.fr <http://www.prodware.fr>




Youssef BENGELLOUN - ZAHR - Consultant Expert
Prodware France
T : +33 979 999 000 - F : +33 988 814 001 - ybzahr@prodware.fr

Web : prodware.fr



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Mike Stupalov
Observium Limited, http://observium.org
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