You're confusing a filesystem subdirectory with an http subdirectory, everything after that is moot.

Sent from my mobile, please excuse brevity and spelling errors.

----- Reply message -----
From: "Ron Wingfield" <>
To: "Observium Network Observation System" <>
Subject: [Observium] Observium Installation Startup and Configuration -- Perhaps $PATH Problems?
Date: Fri, Oct 11, 2013 05:32

Good evening Adam and all:

Yes, I'm aware of the subdirectory caveat and I've installed in /opt/observium as advertised (/opt is in the root directory).

I have been able to login, once I found that the password is MD5 encrypted and I changed the value in the users table element, password.  (Have to use phpMyAdmin.)

Regardless, my questions are with regard to the value for the base_url and the various *_dir values.  See the following:

Default directories (as per ./observium/config.php)

 // Location
$config['install_dir']  = "/opt/observium/"; // moot considering the following:


Default directories (as per ./observium/includes/

$config['install_dir']   = "/opt/observium";
#$config['html_dir']      = $config['install_dir'] . "/html";
#$config['rrd_dir']       = $config['install_dir'] . "/rrd";
#$config['log_file']      = $config['install_dir'] . "/observium.log";
#$config['temp_dir']      = "/tmp";

Un-commenting the (previous) last four instructions seems to make no difference . . .?

// This should *only* be set if you want to *force* a particular hostname/port
// It will prevent the web interface being usable form any other hostname
// $config['base_url']        = "";

$config['base_url'] = "";
// Without this set to something (including a NULL value),
// the index.php page will not render properly. (Noted by RTW)

If the logout option is selected per the following associated code,
 <li><a href="logout/" title="Logout"><i class="oicon-door-open-out"></i> Logout</a></li>

 The system complains that:
        The requested URL /index.php/logout// was not found on this server.

This seems logical because the href=”logout/” construct is apparently poorly formed.  It suggests that there is a relative directory named logout, and nothing is specified as an object.  Perhaps there is some concatenation problem.  The same is true for other menu options, e.g.:

<a href="logout/ . . .etc
<a href="settings/ . . .etc
<a href="preferences/ . . .etc
<a href="about/ . . .etc

. . .all fail.  I suspect some path issues.  Can someone tell me where/what object (PHP script?) executes the logout procedure?  In other words, where is the <li><a href="logout/" title="Logout"><i class="oicon-door-open-out"></i> Logout</a></li> list element construct created? 


Finally, in order to get the "home page" (the one with the world map) to render following successful login, the following was necessary:

RE:  /opt/observium/html/pages/

 Changed url to relative reference (removed “/” before “image”) to enable display of image:

    <!--div class="well" style="padding: 50px; background-image: url('/images/login-hamster-large.png');  background-position: left 10px top -65px; background-repeat: no-repeat;" changed by RTW-->

    <div class="well" style="padding: 50px; background-image: url('images/login-hamster-large.png');  background-position: ...etc.

BTW, think of me as someone in "userland" that is PHP capable.

Thanks for any suggestions; in the mean time, I'll revisit my Apache2.2 httpd configurations for possible path problems.  I  think that with a little "jump start" help, I can port this to FreeBSD.

Ron W.

Adam Armstrong wrote:
Observium doesn't work from a subdirectory.

Also, FreeBSD is not really supported, as non[e] of the development team use it, and Observium relies a little more heavily on userland than most PHP applications.
