That isn't actually a benefit IMO. Any modification of the code makes updates pretty difficult.
It's not that bad. I have a few local modifications that have survived many 'svn up's. I do realise that any problems caused by this are my own :)
The downsides of the ioncubed blob is that it's really difficult to deliver timely updates the way we do with SVN.
The code going closed source / ioncubed would be an immediate reason for me to stop using it. I don't mind paying, but I do mind the inflexibility.
The alternative, of course, is to just cease free development and take the whole thing commercial.
This would be our least favoured option, but 100 paying customers are better than 3500 freeloaders :)
Yes, bills have to be paid.
Another idea: maybe add an option for a free license for people who contribute in other ways (like code)?
Cheers, Sander