Thanks Adam,Is there a recommended way to compare my database against the current revision?Regards,Alex.------ Original Message ------From: "Adam Armstrong" <>To: "Alex Winder @ M5i" <>; observium@observium.orgSent: 09/12/2015 19:45:01Subject: Re: [Observium] Error after update to revision 7236Hi,This column was created a long time ago in db change 194 :update/194.sql:ALTER TABLE `authlog` ADD `user_agent` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL AFTER `address`;If you're missing this column, nothing will break except user login logging, but it might mean other things are broken in your database.You can manually create the column as described in the command that failed, if you know MySQL.adam.On 09/12/2015 19:41:51, Alex Winder @ M5i <> wrote:
Hi everyone,We've just updated to revision 7236 and got the following error.
-- Updating database/file schema
251 -> 252 ... (db) done (1 errors).
In /opt/observium/logs/update-errors.log we see the following error
[2015/12/09 19:35:36 +0000] discovery.php(19989): Query: ALTER TABLE `authlog` CHANGE `user_agent` `user_agent` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL;
[2015/12/09 19:35:36 +0000] discovery.php(19989): Error: (1054) Unknown column 'user_agent' in 'authlog'
Should we do anything for this?Regards,Alex.
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