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On 2018-10-16 14:37:23, Thibault Richard via observium <observium@observium.org> wrote:



I’ve finally succeed to create alerting on custom OID


Unfortunately, I’m now facing another issue


I’ve one device with 2 custom OIDs





  • The device called “depanne” have 2 custom OID named “mailnotsent” and “checkdbconnection”



I ‘ve created one alert with this basic condition




Currently if one of the 2 OID got a different value than 0, I receive the alert message “checkdbconnections fails” which correspond to the message I’ve defined



It’s OK when “checkdbconnections” fails but not when “mailnotsent’ fails


In other words, if the OID value for “mailnotsent” is not 0, I’m receiving a non-related message.


I would like to create one alert related to one OID


As checker condition for a custom OID I can only use a metric and the only available metric is the OID value. I know I cannot filter on the condition


So I’m trying to filter thanks to the “association”


In the previous version (which is still the documented one) it was possible to specify a device and an entity




But as the current version no longer propose us a free field for this, I’ve tried to filter with several solution like this one



It unfortunately doesn’t work.


How could I specify an alert is only linked to one OID ?


Best Regards

