Hi Richard,

This could be because of a number of things, often related to queuing and buffer space.



On 06/04/2016 19:02:15, Richard Müller <rm@teamix.de> wrote:

Hy Observium Community


I have a router, which is only accessible via SNMP from my company, and it shows up some TX-Discards


Just look on this picture:


Unfortunately the company who is administering the Router tells me that they do not see any error.

I really do not have a clue which kind of Tx Discards these are and how they can be shown in CLI.


Does anybody have a clue which “show” Command I have to tell the guy from the ISP that he is seeing these

kinds of errors, also.


It is a CISCO2911/K9 and it is a Gigabit Ethernet Interface.


Thanks in advance.


teamix Richard Müller
teamix GmbH
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90449 Nürnberg
Tel.: +49 911 30999 0
Fax: +49 911 30999 99
mail: rm@teamix.de
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blog: http://blog.teamix.de
Amtsgericht Nürnberg, HRB 18320 | Geschäftsführer: Oliver Kügow, Richard Müller
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