What would be the correct way to extract rrd data for a certain period of time (last 7 days for example). I'm trying to extract data for the following graph http://imgur.com/a/Gw9y2, although when I open up the data in excel, I'm not able to get anything of use.
I used this command to produce an RRD export first:
/opt/observium/scripts/rrdtoolx.py addrra netstats-udp.rrd /tmp/testrrd
after which I used:
rrdtool dump /tmp/testrrd > /tmp/rrd.xml
to get the file into an xml format, and finally I imported the xml into excel.
I'm trying to put together a list of time stamps and their appropriate data points, so for example:
time1 : 22 errors time2: 10 errors time3: 30 errors ....
Would it even be possible to extract this kind of data from the RRD files?
Thanks for your help, Austin