Hmm. Just recently someone tested this and these issues weren't there.

I am thinking of stripping out the complex permissions system altogether.


ColoCenter bv <> wrote:

Hi all,

I give my customers access to observium so they can view the traffic from my switch to their network through their port. This used to work great, but now users can't view their port anymore. I get some access denied errors. Giving access to a device still works, to a single interface not.
I don't know since what version this bug exists, my customers don't check their traffic every day.

Another issue is that in the "all devices" and "all ports" sections they can see all devices that are being monitored by observium, even if they don't have access to it. A small security issue here.

Can these issues be fixed? First one has my priority, second one would be nice.

Kind regards,
Alexander Lantink
ColoCenter bv