Hi Tom,
I've been afraid you would say something like that. Lets just hope there'll be a replacement in future...
About Nagios, I've been on nagios for quite a while now and just switched back to Observium once again. I definitely prefer Observium over Nagios to be honest, after all I always ended up with Observium in the end ;)
However, I could imagine an NMap integration into Observium for probing Ports and Services; Since Observium already knows which ports are open, it should be possible to wrap NMap in a shell-script and let it execute along service-polling for probing and service analysis.
Daniel Preussker
[ Security Consultant, Network & Protocol Security and Cryptography [ LPI & Novell Certified Linux Engineer and Researcher [ +49 178 600 96 30 [ Daniel@Preussker.Net [ http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x87E736968E490AA1