Hi John,

Switching from an older SVN release to a newer CE release is technically still an upgrade, since the database is identical, and the code is the same, just with some parts extracted when CE is created.

You generally can't *downgrade* as in go backwards in version because the database won't match anymore, and random things can break.

The screenshot below is your users breaking, because the authentication code still vaguely knows to build the group permissions, but the group function code is missing. This shouldn't really happen on a real CE install, because you can never create those permissions.

You could sidestep this by just removing any entry in the entity_permissions table where entity_type = group :D

If I thought people would abide by a "no commercial use" license, I'd remove CE and just make the subscription edition freely available for home use, but I'm not convinced people would. :D


John via observium wrote on 2024-04-03 11:12:


my company was using Observium (Subsciption Edition, SE)  for quite a long time so I wanted to stick with Observium for my private lab. Since I have just some private Mikrotik routers and APs in the lab, the commercial edition might be way too mighty for my ~ 10 devices.

So I tried to get the old installation downgraded to the CE edition. There was a hint on Observium's website a long time ago but I was not able to find it anymore.

So I tried the idea from the current webpage (starting from Community Edition):

Since I had an old Mariadb installation, I had to upgrade to Mariadb10.6.17 as well during installation.

After I updated the databases with

/opt/observium/discovery.php -u

and made a full discovery with

/opt/observium/discovery.php -h all

But I ran in trouble with the installation:

So, my downgrade does not work this way. And yes, I got a backup of the previous installation ;-)

I think, this derives from the information, that the CE Version does not support groups (?), but this is just a guess.

So basically, I have two questions:

1. Is there a recipe to downgrade from commercial to community edition?

2. Would'nt it make sense to have an subscription edition limited to private / home lab (aka advanced private users) users with a limitation in the max. amount of devices? I think, the SE is a little bit too expensive to private installations. And yes, therefore is a CE, but therefore I would need to downgrade which did not work out for me.



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