These are all just values sent to us by the device.
It looks like the device has some firmware bugs. Returning lots of 3s as ifDescr is probably not what the vendor intended.
Is the inverter off?
adam. On 2018-10-23 00:51:58, Tommy Nevtelen via observium wrote: Having an an issue with observium pro showing less stuff and stuff looking broken after updating the firmware a couple of versions on Eaton Network Card-MS. The interface names look wrong and seeing stuff such as: Output Source Status deleted: xupsOutputSource xupsOutputSource.3.3 Output Source Battery Status Status deleted: xupsBatteryAbmStatus xupsBatteryAbmStatus.3.3 Battery Status Inverter Off Status Alert: Inverter Off entered ALERT state: No (previous: Yes)
According to the changelog there has been a mib change but I'm not sure when that happened. Changelog of the firmware: []
All firmwares [] /T