
You probably want to use status_event!

Status entities all have their specific states translated in to ok/error/warn/ignore. This is to make it easier to build alerts from them.


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On 18 Jul 2016, at 09:47, Daniel Horth <dan@horth.com.au> wrote:
With a little RTFM and experimentation I have worked this out. 

- Create an alert checker of entity type “Status”
- Check condition: status_name notequals healthy
- Association entity match condition: status_type equals steelhead-system-state

Simple now that it all makes sense to me.



On 18 Jul 2016, at 3:34 PM, Daniel Horth <dan@horth.com.au> wrote:

Howdy all

I have a steelhead that is showing “Degraded” status in Observium due to a power supply issue.

In Observium I can see the status “degraded” at this location:


I can also see that the status changed 8 days ago.

DB sample:

- Database: 'observium'
<database name="observium">
<!-- Table status -->
<table name="status">
<column name="status_id">123</column>
<column name="status_deleted">0</column>
<column name="device_id">12</column>
<column name="poller_type">snmp</column>
<column name="status_oid">.</column>
<column name="status_mib">NULL</column>
<column name="status_object">NULL</column>
<column name="status_index">systemHealth.0</column>
<column name="status_type">steelhead-system-state</column>
<column name="status_descr">System Health</column>
<column name="entPhysicalIndex">NULL</column>
<column name="entPhysicalClass">chassis</column>
<column name="entPhysicalIndex_measured">NULL</column>
<column name="measured_class">NULL</column>
<column name="measured_entity">NULL</column>
<column name="status_ignore">0</column>
<column name="status_disable">0</column>
<!-- Table status-state -->
<table name="status-state">
<column name="status_id">123</column>
<column name="status_value">30000</column>
<column name="status_polled">1468819524</column>
<column name="status_last_change">1468104632</column>
<column name="status_event">alert</column>
<column name="status_name">degraded</column>

I am trying to set up an alert in Observium such that when a device status / System Health changes I am notified. Is there a way to access values from status-state table in setting up alerts?


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