Yeah.. That's what we IT people think.. The Phb execs that now want consumable and page print counts are another story... Sigh...

Sent from Lotus Traveler

Adam Armstrong --- Re: [Observium] Canon printers ---

From:"Adam Armstrong" <>
To"Observium Network Observation System" <>
Date:Thu, May 23, 2013 6:41 PM
SubjectRe: [Observium] Canon printers

Tom has the printer fetish. It's probably not hard for him to add if proper MIBs exist. 

I think you're all weirdos for monitoring printers, though...


Matthew Coene <> wrote:

>Good afternoon anyone...
>Was just curious as to whether anyone has had any luck integrating MIBS so
>Canon iR series can be parsed as proper printers and have stats / toner
>polled correctly??
>I was a little spoiled at my last position where all printers were HP /
>Konica and supported out of the box...  Now not so much...
>Thanks in advance...
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