Dear readers, Using Observium quite some time now. And am wondering if the following is possible, I'm asking because after a couple of days of searching for it, I can't find it anywhere. What I would like to have or maybe to be able to execute on Observium is a way so I can view what the incoming and outgoing traffic is for an given month. I am able to view it (and even see the bill options) but not to export it or see the absolute values. (for example 13,33 Gb out 21,65 Gb in) Better Example. For customer X, I want to see what his traffic was for box x from April 1 to April 30. And off course this is with Incoming and outgoing values. If there is already a way to view this data in an easy way and I've missed it. Then sorry for this pointless mail. Regards, Danny op de Dijk