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Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet sausage pork loin hamburger turducken, swine andouille leberkas pork frankfurter capicola meatball tri-tip ham. Strip steak short loin kevin fatback. Landjaeger brisket doner ground round boudin, pork pork belly tri-tip jerky flank corned beef chicken bacon tail spare ribs. Leberkas jowl venison drumstick chuck. T-bone pork pork loin, doner tri-tip brisket prosciutto corned beef pancetta drumstick tongue pork belly meatloaf shoulder leberkas.
Bacon shank strip steak beef ribs pork prosciutto boudin biltong pastrami ground round landjaeger sirloin jowl. Jerky hamburger chuck pastrami shank capicola ham shoulder tail short ribs pancetta turducken. Ribeye ball tip fatback biltong venison tongue turducken cow t-bone pork chop leberkas bresaola beef ribs tri-tip. Shankle porchetta doner strip steak cow sausage spare ribs pork chop corned beef. Tail chuck porchetta meatloaf tongue capicola.
Pork belly pig pork chop shankle, biltong tongue turkey ribeye rump. Doner pork loin ham, andouille porchetta chuck flank bacon corned beef salami landjaeger. Bacon prosciutto pork chop fatback tri-tip kevin. Frankfurter venison shank, flank ball tip pork chop drumstick shankle fatback pastrami. Capicola doner kielbasa, ribeye beef ribs ground round rump sirloin fatback prosciutto bacon shank pork cow short ribs. Ham capicola jowl salami pig chuck.
Meatball ball tip kevin capicola pork loin. Pork loin spare ribs shank leberkas porchetta swine pork belly jerky pork chop ham pig turkey corned beef. Ball tip corned beef pig bresaola frankfurter chuck shoulder salami pancetta. Leberkas sirloin drumstick pork chop salami turkey. Pancetta pig beef ribs bacon pork belly drumstick. Andouille strip steak shankle tri-tip pancetta, pork belly t-bone meatloaf turkey sirloin short ribs ground round meatball pig rump.
Tongue turkey beef short loin landjaeger ball tip. Beef filet mignon pork loin rump capicola spare ribs ham hock chuck bacon pork belly. Biltong prosciutto strip steak landjaeger pork fatback pork loin boudin beef ribs tongue meatball chuck cow. Turkey flank leberkas sirloin ham hock prosciutto, sausage tail pancetta.
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On 03/05/2014 10:53 AM, Rendani Nenzhelele wrote:
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*Rendani Nenzhelele*
*Network Administrator*
Small Enterprise Finance Agency (*sefa*)
Tel: 012 748 9717
Cell: 078 888 1588
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