


How can I monitor PPS per device. I have edge and core devices.


I want to set the parameters defiantly per Edge and Core.


For edge I want monitor for 100000 and per core I want 50000.


Below is example, but it is checking for all ports includes Edge and Core.


hostname equal Cisco-RTR*  <I have A, B)
ifInUcastPkts_rate ge 50000
ifOutUcastPkts_rate ge 50000





From: observium [] On Behalf Of Joseph Zancocchio
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2016 5:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Observium] sample config for pps alerts to monitor


Those check conditions are not in a valid format, since you are missing the actual test operator.  You need to type a full expression, in the form of

metricName operator value

For example, if you want to alert when ifInUcastPkts_rate or ifOutUcastPkts_rate is exactly 1 pps, you could use

ifInUcastPkts_rate eq 1
ifOutUcastPkts_rate eq 1

and select "Require any condition" at the top of the editor window.

The alert code accepts any of the following conditions (operators on the same line have equivalent behavior):

ge >=  
le <=
gt greater >
lt less <
notequals isnot ne !=
equals eq is == =
match matches
notmatches notmatch !match
regexp regex
notregexp notregex !regexp !regex
in list
!in !list notin notlist

Check out the test_conditions function inside includes/ if you would like to see how each of the operators are handled.

On 04/01/2016 05:45 AM, Sathish.I wrote:

Hello Adam,


I have just created like below, hopefully It is not sending any alerts. All ports are 1G.





From: observium [] On Behalf Of Adam Armstrong
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 4:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Observium] sample config for pps alerts to monitor




You need to use ifInUcastPkts_rate and ifOutUcastPkts_rate. It may make more sense to create average packet size alerts though, depending upon the purpose.


These use rx_ave_pktsize and tx_ave_pktsize.



On 31/03/2016 08:23:17, Sathish.I <> wrote:

Hello All,


Any ideas?.




From: observium [] On Behalf Of Sathish.I
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 2:34 AM
Subject: [Observium] sample config for pps alerts to monitor


Hello All,


I want to create alert for packet/sec (PPS), please let me know the sample config to configure it on observium.





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