You are using a MySQL server with non-expected settings.
You need to disable strict mode.
------ Original Message ------ From: "Joel Golliet" To: Sent: 1/22/2015 9:27:32 AM Subject: Re: [Observium] Alerting configuration problem
I found in mysql log the requests that are done and when i try it i have this error :
[observium]> INSERT INTO `alert_table` (`device_id`,`entity_type`,`entity_id`,`alert_test_id`,`alert_assocs`) VALUES ('31','storage','7','2','2'); ERROR 1364 (HY000): Field 'delay' doesn't have a default value
Should it have a default value in mysql table definition ? How this value should be set in the mysql "insert" command ?
Le 22/01/2015 15:32, Joel Golliet a écrit :
I amstarting withobserviumProfessional Edition (i first installed community edition and upgraded it to pro with svn)and tryto runthe alerts. I have enabledemail alerts in configuration.
Nevertheless, whenI create"alertcheckers" (here a simple example with storage check),after clicking"Regenerate" thislistme wellthedevices / entities correspondingwith the checkbutwhen I look atthe details of acheck,I don't findanything inthe list below. See screenshots for details.
I had a look at my mysql database and tables "alerts", "alert_table" are empty (i don't know if it's normal).
Can someone help me please ? I don't know what to check.
• Joël GOLLIET |Ingénieur Infrastructure et Système • Tel : +33 4 86 11 37 08 | • 2L Multimedia - Park Nord, Les Pléiades, 74370 - Metz-Tessy - FRANCE
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