?I got nothing from either account
________________________________ From: observium observium-bounces@observium.org on behalf of Adam Armstrong adama@memetic.org Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2016 12:29 AM To: observium@observium.org Subject: Re: [Observium] Can't reset password or get an account activated?
Did you get the emails now? :)
Thanks, adam.
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On 23/06/2016 08:29:01, Dano, Leo ldano@qualcomm.com wrote: Hello,
Finally bought the subscription version. Except, I get a link to the Subscription Management Portal and none of my passwords work. So I tried to reset but never get an email. I then tried to create a new account using a personal email but it never sends me an activation link.
Is there a phone number I can call? Or does my request get on a boat and travel across the Atlantic Ocean?
Thanks, ----------------------- Leo Dano