Stable has been merged 😃




From: observium [] On Behalf Of Tom Laermans via observium
Sent: 17 March 2020 09:09
Cc: Tom Laermans <>
Subject: Re: [Observium] SVN Updates don't appear to be working


Hi Chris,


There is no set schedule (definitely not weekly) for changes to go to stable; otherwise it'd just be bleeding-edge-but-delayed.


If bigger changes are going on, stable is kept at stable until things have... stabilized , then they move to stable.


Sometimes it's just a matter of poking like you just did, sometimes there are bigger reasons in not transitioning new code just yet.




On 3/17/2020 2:38 AM, Chris Macneill via observium wrote:



Some weeks ago I updated successfully to v10304, but since then any time since that when I do an "svn update", it says successfully updated, but no files are downloaded and the version shown on the webpage remains at v10304.


I understood that the daily updates were copied to the Stable Branch weekly, but this doesn't appear to be the case currently???


I'm interested in getting a fix that was made in v10306, but can't get it and when I looked at changing our SVN update source to the daily update branch, Adam advised against this.



Chris Macneill

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