I create reports on my own.

Some customers want to see e.g. availability, CPU, RAM, disk usage on a monthly basis. Other like to have port utilizations.

I download graphs from observium with wget (http://observium/graph.php?device=$d&type=$t&from=$a&to=$e&$width=$w&height=$h) put them together in simple html files and convert them with htmldoc to pdf files.

Not the smartest way but it works.


Am 08.02.19 um 02:38 schrieb Adam Armstrong via observium:
no, ignore that file. it doesn't do anything. :)

we don't do reports because not a single person who has every asked for a report has ever actually been able to articulate what would be in a report.


On 2019-02-07 23:29:37, Ryan Huff via observium <observium@observium.org> wrote:

Using latest CE..

Just making sure I haven’t missed something in the docs and config guides.. I do not see a way to print any type of reports/PDFs.. but I do see a ../html/pdf.php which looks like it would do that.

Did I miss a page in the docs?

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