Hi, after several years of using Observium, it just occurred to me recently that I am not sure how to read the traffic graphs.  For example, I always thought that above “0” on the horizontal axis was transmit and below was receive.  But as I look closer, that cannot be.  Also, the colors on the graph do not seem to line up with the legend…for example in this graph, I see 4 colors, light/dark green and light/dark purple.  But the legend seems to have the same color for g0/0/0 as g0.

I guess my questions are:

How are transmits and receives represented on the traffic graphs?

Why are the colors in the graph not lining up with the legend?

What does negative 100M represent?








Tony Guadagno

O +1 585 577 1003

C +1 585 703 6700

E tonyg@guadagnoconsulting.com
