If you use custom oid stuff you can collect and alert on this data.

Somewhat suboptimally, but it can be done.


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On 13 Dec 2018, at 21:48, Roland Hill via observium <observium@observium.org> wrote:
On Tue, 11 Dec 2018 or thereabouts, Ron Marosko came forth with:

Just snmp monitor the ups directly. That wo

Not possible with this UPS hence using nut and trying to see if using
nut-snmp has been utilised by anyone on the list.

Hi list, Not a critical thing...
Just wondered if anyone had done any config to get the nut-snmp "package" to be
discovered in Observium. I'm running Observium CE 18.9.9420. I found a this on
the net, https://raymondjdouglas.com/blog/2018/ups-monitoring/ which gave me
hope that this would be possible. Many thanks. -- Regards, Roland