Is there a log file in Observium for me to troubleshoot when I log in via LDAP? I want to verify the LDAP details I've keyed in my config.php is correct as I am still unable to log in via LDAP as per Tony's advice on LDAPS. Please advice if I am missing out any additional steps / packages required to as I am still relatively new to configuring LDAP / LDAPS for Observium.
Attached are some information I configured so far:
1. Config.php
1. /etc/ldap/ldap.conf
1. Certificate Information (Configured via Windows LDAP Server)
[cid:image010.jpg@01D86090.FD9D9630] [cid:image011.jpg@01D86090.FD9D9630]
1. Already configured LDAPS on Windows LDAP Server (If require more screenshots to show what settings I've configured, I can provide) 2. Made changes to /opt/observium/config.php accordingly as shown in 1st screenshot 3. Made changes to /etc/ldap/ldap.conf accordingly as shown in 2nd screenshot 4. Did ldapquery sucessfully before configuring LDAPS to ensure Ubuntu host can query to Windows LDAP server.
Best Regards Valerie Lim
From: Adam Thompson athompson@merlin.mb.ca Sent: Thursday, 5 May 2022 2:04 pm To: Valerie Lim valerie.lim@acclivis.com; Observium observium@observium.org; Tony Guadagno tonyg@guadagno.org Subject: RE: LDAPS Authentication with Observium
Looks like Ubuntu puts it in /etc/ldap/ldap.conf. Tony's comments should still apply, only the path is different.
Adam Thompson Consultant, Infrastructure Services [MERLIN] 100 - 135 Innovation Drive Winnipeg, MB R3T 6A8 (204) 977-6824 or 1-800-430-6404 (MB only) https://www.merlin.mb.cahttps://www.merlin.mb.ca/ [cid:image003.png@01D8608E.766E1CE0]Chat with me on Teamshttps://teams.microsoft.com/l/chat/0/0?users=athompson@merlin.mb.ca
From: Valerie Lim <valerie.lim@acclivis.commailto:valerie.lim@acclivis.com> Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2022 12:59 AM To: Adam Thompson <athompson@merlin.mb.camailto:athompson@merlin.mb.ca>; Observium <observium@observium.orgmailto:observium@observium.org>; Tony Guadagno <tonyg@guadagno.orgmailto:tonyg@guadagno.org> Subject: RE: LDAPS Authentication with Observium
Hi Adam
I am currently running Ubuntu Desktop v20.04 as my base OS.
Best Regards Valerie Lim
From: Adam Thompson <athompson@merlin.mb.camailto:athompson@merlin.mb.ca> Sent: Thursday, 5 May 2022 1:58 pm To: Observium <observium@observium.orgmailto:observium@observium.org>; Tony Guadagno <tonyg@guadagno.orgmailto:tonyg@guadagno.org> Cc: Valerie Lim <valerie.lim@acclivis.commailto:valerie.lim@acclivis.com> Subject: RE: LDAPS Authentication with Observium
The location varies from OS to OS. What flavour of Linux are you running?
Adam Thompson Consultant, Infrastructure Services [MERLIN] 100 - 135 Innovation Drive Winnipeg, MB R3T 6A8 (204) 977-6824 or 1-800-430-6404 (MB only) https://www.merlin.mb.cahttps://www.merlin.mb.ca/ [cid:image003.png@01D8608E.766E1CE0]Chat with me on Teamshttps://teams.microsoft.com/l/chat/0/0?users=athompson@merlin.mb.ca
From: observium <observium-bounces@observium.orgmailto:observium-bounces@observium.org> On Behalf Of Valerie Lim via observium Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2022 12:51 AM To: Tony Guadagno <tonyg@guadagno.orgmailto:tonyg@guadagno.org>; Observium <observium@observium.orgmailto:observium@observium.org> Cc: Valerie Lim <valerie.lim@acclivis.commailto:valerie.lim@acclivis.com> Subject: Re: [Observium] LDAPS Authentication with Observium
Hi Tony
Thanks for your reply. Just to clarify with you, I am unable to find the directory highlighted in yellow. Did you install an openldap client package or did you self-create the directory?
Best Regards Valerie Lim
On the Observium server:
yum install php-ldap
vim /etc/openldap/ldap.conf
make sure these 2 config options are commented out
#TLS_CACERTDIR /etc/openldap/certs
#TLS_CACERT /etc/openldap/certs/cert.crt
From: Tony Guadagno <tonyg@guadagno.orgmailto:tonyg@guadagno.org> Sent: Wednesday, 4 May 2022 8:14 pm To: Observium <observium@observium.orgmailto:observium@observium.org> Cc: Valerie Lim <valerie.lim@acclivis.commailto:valerie.lim@acclivis.com> Subject: RE: LDAPS Authentication with Observium
Valerie, I recently went through this as well, and I wrote up a little cheat sheet for it. Hope this helps Also, I have this instead of yours: $config['auth_ldap_objectclass'] = "person";
Directions for enabling LDAP with TLS when connecting to an LDAP server with a self signed certificate or a CA that the Observium server does not recognize
you have already enabled SSL/TLS for ldap on your Microsoft Domain Controller (or other LDAP server)
Observium is installed on a Fedora flavor of Linux version 7 or 8 (this might work with Ubuntu but i am not sure the commands are the same)
Observium is configured for LDAP AND TLS per the authentication documentation page
On the Observium server:
yum install php-ldap
vim /etc/openldap/ldap.conf
make sure these 2 config options are commented out
#TLS_CACERTDIR /etc/openldap/certs
#TLS_CACERT /etc/openldap/certs/cert.crt
Add/Change this config option to either hard or allow
"hard" means that the LDAP server MUST present a cert and the cert must be trustworthy OR in the trusted cert store (this is the more secure method)
"allow" mean that the LDAP server MUST present a cert and the cert can be anything...valid or invalid
setting to "hard" is better because it prevents an imposter from stealing the ip address of the LDAP server and intercepting the messages from Observium
If you are setting TLS_REQCERT to "hard" then take these additional steps:
export the LDAP server cert in b64 format with NO KEY
place cert of LDAP server in '/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors' folder
run 'update-ca-trust' as root
From: observium <observium-bounces@observium.orgmailto:observium-bounces@observium.org> On Behalf Of Valerie Lim via observium Sent: Tuesday, May 3, 2022 10:20 PM To: observium@observium.orgmailto:observium@observium.org Cc: Valerie Lim <valerie.lim@acclivis.commailto:valerie.lim@acclivis.com> Subject: [Observium] LDAPS Authentication with Observium
I need advice on how to authenticate my LDAP server (Windows Server 2019) with my Observium client (v22.4.11952) which runs on Ubuntu v20.04 Desktop.
1. I've configured LDAPs certificate in my LDAP server as an .pfx file. How do I allow Observium to read the certificate so as to get authenticated by my LDAP server?
1. I've configured LDAP settings in my Observium's config.php file accordingly as advised & installed php module. However, Observium is still unable to authenticate via LDAP. LDAP query between Observium client (Ubuntu) and LDAP server (Windows) is working. So please advice on what additional steps is required on setting up LDAP on regards to both client & server side.
1. Attached is my config.php configuration.
// Authentication Model
$config['auth_mechanism'] = "ldap"; // default, other options: ldap, http-auth, please s>
$config['auth_ldap_binddn'] = "cn=Administrator,ou=acclivis,dc=domain01,dc=com";
$config['auth_ldap_bindpw'] = "xxxxxxxxxx";
$config['auth_ldap_attr']['uid'] = "sAMAccountName";
$config['auth_ldap_attr']['uidNumber'] = "objectSid";
$config['auth_ldap_attr']['cn'] = "name";
$config['auth_ldap_attr']['dn'] = "distinguishedName";
$config['auth_ldap_objectclass'] = "user";
$config['auth_ldap_version'] = 3;
$config['auth_ldap_server'] = "server01.domain01.com";
$config['auth_ldap_port'] = 636;
$config['auth_ldap_starttls'] = TRUE;
$config['auth_ldap_prefix'] = "cn=";
$config['auth_ldap_suffix'] = ",ou=acclivis,DC=domain01,DC=com";
$config['auth_ldap_group'] = array("cn=grouping,ou=acclivis,DC=domain01,DC=com");
$config['auth_ldap_groupbase'] = "cn=grouping,ou=acclivis,DC=domain01,DC=com";
$config['auth_ldap_groupmembertype'] = "nondn";
$config['auth_ldap_groupmemberattr'] = "member";
$config['auth_ldap_groups']['cn=grouping,ou=acclivis,DC=domain01,DC=com']['level'] = 10;
Best Regards Valerie Lim