This is a similar problem to the geolocation issues. These providers generally don't want you to use their tiles for anything more than development, so they get pretty strict on hit rate.
You could try using squid to proxy the tiles :
You'd need to modify an existing tile provider to use the proxy to test, but if it works we can try to formalise support for it.
There's also but that seems more effort to get working, though it looks like it might be more flexible.
From: observium On Behalf Of Gumilar Siegfried MSc. via observium Sent: 21 February 2020 10:29 To: Observium Cc: Gumilar Siegfried MSc. Subject: [Observium] Wikimedia Map Tiles not loading - Error 429
Among other things, we display the map in the dashboard. As it seems, the Wikimedia Tiles are shown by default, because we did not set anything else in the config.php file. Since a few weeks we have the problem that some tiles are not displayed anymore. In the Chrome Console you can see that the PNGs are not loaded due to an error code 429 (too many requests). It seems that Wikimedia has introduced a limit for some time now. Since many users have the dashboard permanently open, the same PNGs are very often loaded from our public IP.
Is there a workaround for this problem? It is actually not necessary that the browser constantly reloads the PNGs, because nothing changes in the display.
Unfortunately I did not find a list of possible alternative tile providers anywhere in the documentation. I only know the carto base dark and light. Unfortunately I don't find them optically ideal. What other implemented variants are there?