We have this in the database, BUT it has an automatic modify by mysql for any update we do so it's always set to the latest row update.

If you decide to change this behaviour, make sure to adapt the housekeeping deleted ports script, as this relies on the last change made to the database for that row.


On 2015-08-06 10:13, Adam Armstrong wrote:

If ifLastChange is reliable, we should already have that available in the database.


On 06/08/2015 09:12:54, Andre Geißler <andre@geisslermail.de> wrote:

Hi Adam

How can I create a Jira ticket?

For me it looks like some devices actually return such information.
>From Windows Systems I don't get any sensefull results when asking for IF-MIB::ifLastChange. Result is always "Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00"
HP and Cisco Switches/Routers answers are like "Timeticks: (257016860) 29 days, 17:56:08.60" with different results on ports on one switch.


Hi Andre,

Please create a Jira ticket for this.

I'm not sure how accurate the information would be, since the devices don't return it, but we can probably track oper/admin state and attach a time to it.


On 06/08/2015 08:48:25, Andre Geißler <andre at geisslermail.de> wrote:

Could it be possible to show the ports last state change on the port
overview page?

Something like
Port up/down since 2015/08/04 09:33
Port up/down for 1d 3h 10m 30s

Maybe as a new column or right below the port's description?

Andre Geißler

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