Thresholds should probably not be set in alert checkers, but in
the sensor config on the device. Then alert on the sensor_event
Also, it's pretty logical it matches all temperature sensors, as
you've set the entity match up to ... match all temperature
You can add a second match for the sensor_descr if that's what
you're looking for.
On 09/23/2014 10:15 AM, Supun Rathnayake wrote:
Hi ,
We are using the Observium subscribed edition and
trying to set different alerts for
different temperature sensor types of the same cisco
device, but could not find a proper method to
do that.
Please find the annexed screen-shots of the alert config. that we
tried, and it matches all the temperature sensors (there are about
6 types).
We are looking for the way to differentiate these sensors to set
different threshold levels.
Kindly let us know if there is a way to do this.
With Best Regards,
Supun Rathnayake
Lanka communication Services (Pvt) Ltd.
65C, Dharmapala Mawatha,
Colombo 07.
Sri Lanka.
Tel: +94-11-2437545
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