I assume the 18.x version was pre-dashboard code, so the elements on the front page could be as long as they liked.


Since a couple of years ago the front page uses fixed size widgets, so any information off the bottom of the widget is either hidden with “and more” or is presented with a scroll bar.


The “table” version of the alert boxes has a scroll bar, the boxes version has the “and x more”.




From: observium <observium-bounces@observium.org> On Behalf Of Andre Bolzan via observium
Sent: 30 December 2021 15:28
To: Observium <observium@observium.org>
Cc: Andre Bolzan <andre.bolzan@fixfibra.com.br>
Subject: Re: [Observium] alert boxes


Hello , Arnoldo

How are you doing? I hope fine =)

Can you send a print screen to understand better ? I have a question if this problem is an 'alert filter' or an alert configuration.

By the way, please check the PHP version is update, because version 21 have muth implementation using PHP 7


Em ter., 28 de dez. de 2021 às 11:36, Arnoldo Vidal Bravo via observium <observium@observium.org> escreveu:

hi, we were administrative problems to update observium from version 18 to 21, in latest version alert or warning box could show "...XX more", how we can view this alerts? in version 18 all alerts was show.



Saluda cordialmente

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André Bolzan Saar

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+55 11 98205-7742