What do you mean by a hot backup?
Observium uses a standard MySQL-database which can be easliy backup with mysqldump
Use the --single-transaction to just dump the whole DB to a file, as this is done as a single transaction there is no issues with doing this on the live database.

To recover a broken Observium server you will need backup of 3 things. The MySQL-DB, the rrd-directory and the config.php-file


2017-11-02 5:44 GMT+01:00 Vikas Kumar <mailvikasnow@gmail.com>:
Hi all,

Is it possible to take hot backup of observium database? Also if the observium server crashes unexpectedly will we be able to recover it?



Vikas Kumar |  Hospitality & PR Coordinator
Mood Indigo, IIT Bombay

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