I have been trying to get our Room Alert 4E working to record temperature and alert if needed. On the latest svn build(5770). I see on the website that the 24E is the only one supported currently since they have different MIBS. (FYI they no longer sell the 24E in NA).

I have been able to get it to discover as and AVtech device but I had to modify the roomalert discovery and poller php files to add a space to RoomAlert as the sysDescr on the 4E is "Room Alert 4E v3.1.1".

I see the 4E mibs are there as well but the temp is not getting polled properly.

Is it possible for me to make modifications to get the temp polling properly? If so where should I be looking to get the 4E MIBS working properly? I am not sure where the mappings are done etc. Is this difficult to do?

Otherwise how would I go about getting the working properly?

