Hi all.

I have an issue running svn update.  My system details below.  What happens is I get ‘GET request returned unexpected delta base’  or less commonly a checksum mismatch’.  I then revert to my saved snapshot of the VM and start again.  Each time it fails at a different part.  We are 588 rev’s behind so I attempted to svn update –r 9217 which I believe is only one version ahead of where we are.  Hoping that with fewer committed changes it would make it through.  Same error though.  Does anyone have any thing for me to try.  I have not seen anyone else online with this issue?  Thanks a LOT!


Vsphere 6.5 VM

Debian GNU/Linux 8 \n \1

Observium 18.3.9073 (stable)

Observium Professional License Version 1.1




Svn cleanup

Svn update

The svn update will get to a random spot before hitting me with a ‘GET request returned unexpected delta base’  or less commonly a checksum mismatch’

John Dicks
IT Engineer

NewPort Tank Containers NAM / SAM
1340 Depot St.
Cleveland, OH 44116
United States

Direct: +1 440 356 8866 Ext: 1119
Mobile: +1 330 687 7847

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