
Requesting a Device support

Pavel Vraštiak via observium wrote on 31.01.2025 11:56:

I am not able to correctly detect OS and use MIBs for Bridgetech probes...  would you be willing to integrate them? I thought that sysDescr Bridgetech probe  might be sufficient to identify this but I might be wrong as this particular virtual appliance is running on linux - they also have dedicated HW appliances.

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 \___/ |_.__/ |___/ \___||_|     \_/  |_| \__,_||_| |_| |_|
                         Observium Professional 24.12.13796

#####  Starting discovery run at 2025-01-31 09:45:09  #####

#####  name [78]  #####

| OID         |                       |
| sysDescr    | Bridgetech probe      |
| sysObjectID | . |

 o OS Type              generic
 o OS Group             unix
 o SNMP Version         v1
 o Last discovery       2025-01-31 09:38:00
 o Last duration        2.69 seconds

#####  Module Start: os  #####

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