I'm experiencing it too - same on Chrome and Firefox.

Just 'snv up'd to "Observium (stable)" and it still remains.

I am also missing the bottom footer bar on that page.

The other forms eventually appear if I shrink the page small enough.


On 05/01/16 14:31, Adam Armstrong wrote:
What browsers?

Did you already try : 

rm -rf html
svn up 


I've just re-synced stable to current, but there are no relevant changes in there. I suspect something to do with CSS, since it looks like the form is hidden under the box-header div. Very odd. Removing html/ and svn up'ing should fix it.


On 05/01/2016 14:03:31, Tom Laermans <tom.laermans@powersource.cx> wrote:

I assume you're both running the stable train? Adam, I think a merge may
be in order.. this works fine on trunk.


On 2016-01-05 14:56, Lyndon Labuschagne wrote:
> I have the same issue
> On 2016/01/05, 10:08, "observium on behalf of Roland Schwingel"
> roland.schwingel@onevision.com> wrote:
>> Hi...
>> Yesterday I upgraded my Observium to Version via svn.
>> The "svn up" did follow an immediate "./discovery.php -u" and a flush of
>> the browser cache. But when I try to add a device I get a somewhat
>> incomplete screen. See attached screenshot.
>> Is this a bug or did I do something wrong?
>> Thanks for your help,
>> Roland
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