Thank you guys!

You're awesome.
I just got all the info I need,
I would start debugging, but first I need to understand what I'm looking for. Observium was the program that helped spotting the errors.
You are the guys who helped me understanding the things.
I am sorry if I annoyed you with silly questions.


2013/5/31 Rob J. Epping <>
On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 11:36 AM, Nikolay Shopik <> wrote:
> On 31/05/13 13:32, Mihai - Cristian Satmarean wrote:
>> Thanks,
>> what then the unit to measure that means? 300 m? (meters, minutes) I am
>> lost.
> 0.001

Observium calculates the packages per second for a 5 minute average of
these counters.
so 300m pps = 0,3 p* (5 * 60) = 90 discards in 5 minutes

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