Perfect. Thanks.
2013/7/7 Tom Laermans
Create a user with just permission on that port/device/whatevs and add &username=foo&password=bar to URL maybe.
On 7/07/2013 17:56, Stephan Dahlmann wrote:
I am looking at Observium as an alternative / addition to Cacti and it looks really nice so far.
One thing I do with Cacti is publish single graphs of bandwidth on core routers and switches to websites (or wikis), so that other people can see that current usage very fast without having to access Cacti. This works by giving a guest (means: no login) read access and then just using the URL for the graph (e.g. .../graph_image.php?local_graph_id=330).
The last part is as easy in Observium (../graph.php?type=port_bits&id=150&height=200&width=600), but I don't think there is an easy option to do this without authentication.
Any idea on how to accomplish this?
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