Good Afternoon Adam,

It does indeed help if the Disable All Notifications button is not set to true. Sad newb mistake.

Kind Regards,

On Feb 21 2019, at 8:01 pm, Adam Armstrong via observium <> wrote:
Hi Alex,

Can you do screenshots showing that these things are actually happening this way?

I can't see many scenarios where test_alert.php would work and normal sending wouldn't, unless the alerter is disabled.

Does running alerter.php -h all generate any notifications?

On 2019-02-19 15:20:31, Alex via observium <> wrote:

Hello Everyone,

Has anyone had an opportunity to investigate this, or potentially is
anyone else running the same version (19.1.9661) experiencing this issue?

I am really happy to try and investigate the problem further I just
don't know what I can do beyond what I have already tried below.

Any assistance with this matter is greatly appreciated!

Kind Regards,


On 18/02/2019 09:25, Alex wrote:
> Good Morning Adam,
> I recently raised a ticket in jira OBS-2905.
> I have an instance of Observium running 19.1.9661 and have enabled
> alerting for a memory check at 70% for one of our hosts. This alert
> message works as expected on the web interface, the issue is that it
> is not sending the alert to the contacts (both slack and email). When
> tested with the test_alert.php script the emails send correctly this
> leads me to believe that the configuration of the email is not the issue.
> Do you have any other suggestions as to what I can test to make the
> alerts send to my contacts correctly when they are naturally generated?
> Kind Regards,
> Alex
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