Hi, one problem is your ancient version of rrdtool :) You will need atleast 1.6.0 or later, 1.7.0 is recommended
Den tors 16 maj 2019 21:31Arnoldo Vidal Bravo via observium < observium@observium.org> skrev:
i have Centos 7 instaled rrdtool 1.4.8 Observium 19.5.9872 (stable) php 7.0.33 mariadb 10.3.9 apache
El jue., 16 may. 2019 a las 15:17, Arnoldo Vidal Bravo (< arnoldo.vidal@pucv.cl>) escribió:
Each X seconds the poller ( try a connection with the main server (, confirmed with wireshark as sniffer.
[image: image.png] In the screenshot i can see the poller trying connect to main, but it can't doit. Can somebody help? there are some tool or log to test connection with main server?
El jue., 9 may. 2019 a las 14:53, Arnoldo Vidal Bravo (< arnoldo.vidal@pucv.cl>) escribió:
hi everyone, i'm testing a configuration distributed, following this publish to do it ( http://blog.best-practice.se/2017/10/scaling-observium-horizontally.html), but i can't do: the pollers can't write into main server. (rrdcached into main server listening on port 42227), the pollers send the info to main server. but main server don't save them. Is correct this? somebody can helpme?
Saluda cordialmente
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