Hello all,


We’ve recently decided to move from Cacti, and tried Zenoss, and we’re now trying Observium.  We’re *really* liking it.  Device import went really well, and have been able to tune it to exactly what we need. 


I’m having issues with the map.  The mapping of alerts is a pretty important feature for us, but I can’t seem to get it dialed in.  You may certainly assume I know nothing about this mapping feature beyond the “Map Overview Settings” porton of the Configuration Options page.


We’re a small campus so the scale of the map is not working out when we use the “US-565”.  When the dots render they stack up.  Is there a more ‘zoomed in’ option?


How does one appropriately choose the ‘location’ data?  If I can hop on google maps and put in a string and have it put a pin in the right building, is that string acceptable to use for the location field?   I.E.  “north hall library” gives me the correct location in google maps, does that mean I can use it for the location string?


Since google maps has our building footprints drawn out, I’d prefer to use that layout, is it possible to switch it to that instead of the metro area shtick?


Our map looks like this:

Using the following in config.php


//MAP data

$config['frontpage']['map']['region']              = "US-565";      // See https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/geo$

$config['frontpage']['map']['resolution']          = "metros";  // Some region types such as US States (US-NY) require this to be changed t$

$config['frontpage']['map']['dotsize']             = 5;            // Set the dotsize you want

$config['frontpage']['map']['realworld']           = false;        // Enable/Disable the realworld view (blue/green), if disabled default m$




-Loren McNett