Hi, should be fixed in r12965.
Bryan Fields via observium wrote on 25.08.2023 06:59:
I'm running 23.8.12912 (2nd August 2023), svn revision 12959 on Debian 12. This is the subscription version.
When I go to edit a device and then the "Applications" tab I get an error of "Oops! Something went wrong."
The below is a quote of the page with the detail errors:
Cannot increment array in /opt/observium/html/pages/device/edit/apps.inc.php:116 #0: (unknown function) called at [/opt/observium/html/pages/device/edit/apps.inc.php:116] 111: echo('<td class="text-center">' . generate_form_element($item) . '</td>'); 112: //echo(" </td>"); 113: echo(" <td>" . nicecase($app) . "</td>"); 114: echo(" </tr>"); 115: 116: $row++; 117: } 118: } 119: ?> 120: </tbody> 121: </table> #1: include called at [/opt/observium/html/pages/device/edit.inc.php:119] 114: $vars = get_vars('POST'); // Note, on edit pages use only method POST! 115: $attribs = get_dev_attribs($device['device_id']); 116: $model = get_model_array($device); 117: 118: register_html_resource('js', 'js/jquery.serializejson.js'); 119: include($filename); 120: } else { 121: print_error('<h3>Page does not exist</h4> 122: The requested page does not exist. Please correct the URL and try again.'); 123: } 124: #2: include called at [/opt/observium/html/pages/device.inc.php:771] 766: This device is being discovered now. Discovery started ' . format_unixtime($discovery_start) . ' (' . format_uptime(time() - $discovery_start) . ' ago).'); 767: } 768: } 769: 770: if (is_file($config['html_dir'] . "/pages/device/" . basename($tab) . ".inc.php")) { 771: include($config['html_dir'] . "/pages/device/" . basename($tab) . ".inc.php"); 772: } else { 773: print_error('<h4>Tab does not exist</h4> 774: The requested tab does not exist. Please correct the URL and try again.'); 775: } 776: #3: include called at [/opt/observium/html/index.php:234] 229: </div> 230: </div> 231: <div class="col-xl-8 col-lg-12">'; 232: } 233: 234: include($page_file); 235: echo '</div>'; 236: } 237: 238: // Register default panel if custom not set 239: if (!isset($GLOBALS['cache_html']['page_panel'])) {
I checked the /opt/observium logs and didn't see anything that indicates the problem further.
Does anyone know how to troubleshoot this or what this may be?