Only time I've seen this is when I have local DNS client issues on the polling server. Like the unbound process stopped, or resolv.conf got borked.
On 2020-10-27 05:01, Klimek, Denis via observium wrote:
Are you able to reach your devices with their DNS from the server were Observium is running on?
Mit freundlichem Gruß
wilhelm.tel GmbH
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VON: observium observium-bounces@observium.org IM AUFTRAG VON Marios Palechoros via observium GESENDET: Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2020 10:35 AN: observium@observium.org CC: Marios.P@crowe.com.cy BETREFF: [Observium] Many devices shown as down(dns)
Hello all,
I can see in my observium installation that many devices changed their status to down(dns). This is a new installation and we migrated the configuration yesterday on a new server and devices were working properly. At around the same time (14:20:00) a lot of our machines changed their status to down. The message in the Event log is "Device status changed to Down (dns)". I tried to find what the problem may be but I can see SNMP are correct and dns records exist for the systems. Any ideas?
Thank you, Marios
[1] http://mail.rjr-services.com/dklimek@stadtwerke-norderstedt.de [2] http://mail.rjr-services.com/www.wilhelm-tel.de [3] https://www.instagram.com/azubiteam/ [4] https://www.facebook.com/wilhelmtel.norderstedt/
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