Correct! It has to follow the exact format, and use the same keywords listed ( or the default parser will not pick them up. However! You can write your
own parser, and point to it in config.php.
$config['port_descr_parser'] = "includes/";
I used the default in includes/ as a base template and went from there.
Then you’ll want to build some custom menu options to link back to those new categories, and drop them in html/includes/ Example:
$navbar['ports']['entries'][] = array('divider' => TRUE);
$navbar['ports']['entries'][] = array('url' => generate_url(array('page' => 'iftype', 'type' => 'xxx')), 'image' => "images/16/group_link.png", 'title' => 'xxx'); $ifbreak = 1;
Replace ‘xxx’ with whatever your keyword is, Core, Server, etc.
From: observium []
On Behalf Of Hamilton, Kent
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2014 7:21 AM
To: Observium Network Observation System
Subject: Re: [Observium] Documentation
I was trying to use this feature but the parser for it seems a bit picky.
The examples in the docs seem to say I can use:
Type: SomeText
Type: SomeText [Speed/Service Type]
Type: SomeText [Speed/Service Type] (Notes)
Type: SomeText [Speed/Service Type] (Notes) {Circuit ID}
It appears that they have to be in exactly the latter format and exactly in that order or it doesn’t work at all. Can someone confirm the others are supposed to work?
I’d like to use things like
Core: switchname [40Gbit] (Interface)
Server: hostname here (Interface/Subnet)
And those don’t appear to get picked up.
From: observium []
On Behalf Of Søren Irbo
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2014 8:42 AM
Subject: [Observium] Documentation
Stumbled upon this feature, are there other nice features, which are not documented?
Can’t find it here:
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